Maximizing Profit Margins and Service Delivery through Effective Billing Practices for MSPs.
This guide aims to address potential pitfalls that may arise when MSPs resell service bundles or packages without thoroughly examining their tech stack. If left unchecked, this could lead to subpar service delivery and reduced profit margins. To avoid such outcomes, it is crucial to follow billing best practices.
This includes configuring recurring agreements and breaking down service components for more comprehensive financial reporting and management. By conducting audits and ensuring compliance, you can mitigate the risks and maximize your success.
Breakout Component Services in HaloPSA
The services that are added to a Service Bundle or Comprehensive Package are called component services or add-on services. These services are typically included in the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).
To gain better financial visibility and identify any shortcomings in your tech stack, it is recommended to separate all managed services and COGS.
You can achieve this by following the steps below and generate a consolidated invoice template in HaloPSA. This will allow you as an MSP to have a clearer and more detailed view of your profit and revenue margins, while presenting a more refined invoice template that won't confuse your clients.
Create Custom Field – Product
Navigate to Configuration > Custom Objects > Custom Fields > Entity: Product
Create New
Enter a Field Name
Enter a Field Label
Choose Checkbox from Type of Field dropdown
Save custom field
Enable Custom Field for Service Bundle Items in Recurring Items
Navigate to Products > Recurring Items > Item of Choice
Select Custom Fields tab and Edit item
Enable checkbox for Service Bundle
Create Custom Report
Create a Custom SQL Query Report for a custom Invoice Table
Navigate to Reporting
Create New
Enter Title
Select Group
Add Description
Under Data Source select Write a custom SQL Query and copy and paste the following SQL query.
SQL Query
Begin your query using the provided SQL Query sample as a foundation. Customize the invoice table to your specific requirements by adjusting the displayed columns and modifying the report as needed.
select IDItem_ShortDescription as [Description],
case when idisgroupdesc=1 then '' else IDItem_longDescription end as [LongDescription],
case when idisgroupdesc=1 then null else IDQty_Order end as [Quantity],
i.CFServiceBundle as [Service Bundle],
case when ID_ItemID>0 then 'Product/Service' when IDActionCode>0 then 'Labour' else 'Other' end as [Grouping],
format((case when idisgroupdesc=1 then (select sum(a.IDNet_Amount) from invoicedetail a where a.idihid=invoicedetail.idihid and a.idgroupid=invoicedetail.idgroupid and a.idisgroupdesc=0) else IDNet_Amount end), 'C', 'en-US') as [Price],
case when idisgroupdesc=1 then 'group' else 'line' end as [Type],
format(((case when idisgroupdesc=1 then (select sum(a.IDNet_Amount) from invoicedetail a where a.idihid=invoicedetail.idihid and a.idgroupid=invoicedetail.idgroupid and a.idisgroupdesc=0) else IDNet_Amount end)*(case when idisgroupdesc=1 then (select sum(a.IDQty_Order) from invoicedetail a where a.idihid=invoicedetail.idihid and a.idgroupid=invoicedetail.idgroupid and a.idisgroupdesc=0) else IDQty_Order end)), 'C', 'en-US') as [Subtotal]
from invoicedetail
JOIN Item i ON i.Iid = invoicedetail.ID_ItemID
where idihid=$invoiceid and i.CFServiceBundle > 0
Update Report Appearance
Under Appearance enable Customize Table HTML
Copy & paste the following under Report Table HTML
Copy & paste the following under Report Table Row HTML
Copy & paste the following under Report Table Group HTML
Save Report
Report should look something like this:
Report Table HTML
<tr style="background-color:#7BBCE8;color: white;">
<th><div style="text-align: left">Description</div></th>
Report Table Row HTML
<tr class="$Type">
<td>$Description<br><span class="smalltext" style="font-size:10px;">$LongDescription</span></td>
Report Table Group HTML
Create Custom Invoice PDF Template
Navigate to Configuration > Reporting > PDF Templates > Invoices
Create New
Under Details tab enter name and add report
Add report that was created earlier
Copy the Data Variable (example, $REPORT186DATA) to your clipboard
Under Details Table tab, remove default columns and add custom column
Add Data Variable copied from earlier steps to Cell Content
Under Pages, update Main Page and replace the detail-table to the Data Variable copied earlier in the Core Template HTML, Invoice Line Table Row HTML and Invoice Group Table Row HTML.
Lastly, change the PDF invoice template in each Recurring Invoice or change the default PDF template for all customers in Configuration > Billing > General Settings.
Example of Custom Invoice
Recurring Invoice
Custom Invoice