Quick Start Guide - DNSFilter Billing Reconciliation

Everything you need to know setting up the DNSFilter billing reconciliation integration

The billing tool enables you to see your PSA recurring agreements and your DNSFilter usage side by side.  This enables you to quickly and accurately view, manage, and approve your usage each month.   

Step 1:  PSA Integration Setup 

  • Select your PSA to begin.

Step 2: Connect your PSA API

  • Once you have chosen your PSA from the previous step, a set of API connection requirements will be displayed on the screen for you to follow.  
  • Gather the required API key and enter the details in the API Authentication section. 
  • Press Save and Test to validate that the keys are set correctly, and proceed to the next page. 
  • When you press continue, you will see a notification that your sync is being processed.  It only takes a few minutes to bring in all of your data.  
  • Once complete, you can press next.

Step 3: Product Integration Setup 

  • Enter your DNSFilter API key and press Authenticate.
    • You can visit this page for details on the DNSFilter API Key  
  • You will see an API Status pop and show as it is pulling your Services and Accounts; this can take a few moments.   

If your Status doesn't automatically update to Ready to Continue, you can press the Status refresh button.

  • Once the status says, Ready to Continue you can press the next button to complete your account mapping.

Step 4: Map your accounts 

For a detailed guide on account and service mapping, see here: Account and Service Mapping

  • If your account names are the same in both your PSA and DNSFilter, then we will automatically map them for you.  
    • Note that auto-mapped accounts can be seen and unmapped by toggling the hide mapped button.
    • The accounts on the right side of the page are from DNSFilter, and the accounts on the left are from your PSA.  
    • You can search for your accounts by typing in the text field on the left until you find the desired account or by pressing the filter button beside the displayed DNSFilter account, and we will display our best guess on the left for you to choose from.

  • When you have the correct account, drag and drop it on the corresponding account on the right side of the screen. If you have the hide auto map toggled on, the mapped card will be removed from view. If not - they will display with a check mark beside them to indicate they have been mapped. 

  • Mapped accounts are displayed with a checkmark beside them.  If you have made an error or wish to remove a mapping, simply press the x beside the tile.

We require 1 account to be mapped to proceed. You do not have to map all accounts at this time; you can revisit this at any time by going to your settings and opening the setup.  

  • Once you are finished mapping the accounts, you can proceed by pressing the next button.

Step 5: Map your Services

  • Similar to account mapping, you will see a list of DNSFilter services on the right side of your screen.  You can map the corresponding service (s) from your PSA to the correct service with DNS Filter. 

  • You can map more than one service from your PSA to a single service in DNSFilter.  If you do this, you will see a number beside the service card indicating the number of items mapped to that service.  
  • Once you are finished mapping the services, you can proceed by pressing the next button to finish your setup. 

We require 1 service to be mapped to proceed. You do not have to map all services this time; you can revisit this at any time by going to your settings and opening the setup. 

Step 6: Finish your setup 

  • The finish setup page gives you an overview of the services you have mapped.   If everything looks correct, you can press the finish button to complete the setup.  
    • If one of the mappings appears incorrect, you can press the back button to revisit the previous steps and make any necessary changes before finishing. 
    • When you press finish, a pop will appear to notify you that the data is syncing.  This can take a few minutes to complete.  Once it is complete, you will be ready to begin reconciling!