Common questions with the ConnectWise PSA integration.
Identifying your ConnectWise PSA URL
Within ConnectWise PSA, navigate to System → My Company. Scroll to the bottom to find the Site URL. Insert that into Billing, being sure to add https:// to the front of the URL.
Reconciling Non-Recurring Agreements
If you have agreements marked as not recurring, "Billing Cycle = None," we will not sync that information from ConnectWise Manage. We only sync recurring invoices, allowing you to update those quantities based on the Billing Cycle set within your PSA.
Duplicate Accounts are Displayed During the Mapping
When mapping, if you see two accounts with the same or similar name but different PSA IDs, it's likely from the ConnectWise Manage recycle bin.
To know which account you need to map, navigate to the Companies page within ConnectWise Manage and look at the RecId field. Find the ID representing the active company and map the appropriate company within Billing.
To see your Company Recycle Bin, navigate to System -> Mass Maintenance -> Company Recycle Bin. This will then show you all the companies deleted from your account.
Company Statuses
During the Account Mapping step of CSV Imports or Integration configurations, search results will not include the Company Status of "not approved."